
miércoles, 10 de marzo de 2010

Criaturas en reposo.

Mi madre se pasa el día tumbada en el sofá. Ya, ni siquiera puede permanecer sentada, pués se cae si no la vigilas constantemente.

Cuando llevamos cada noche a mi madre a la cama, Lolita y Tallulah, se hacen las dueñas del sofá.

Bueno, no siempre.

Lolita, incluso mucho antes. En invierno:

Los cuadros casi nunca están derechos cuando un Borzoi
sobre el sofá agita la cola.

Y en verano:

2 comentarios:

  1. You have a beautiful mother...Very endearing, like a sleeping faerie...I heard in a movie a little girl explaining that old ladies were faeries. I love that!
    The dogs obviously adore her.
    I also love your parlor, full of cherished memories.
    What a lovely and inspiring post...Thank you for sharing.

  2. Thank you Marta,

    My mother is helpless, absolutely. Like a little bird.

    Very beautiful the story about faeries.

    Lolita y Tallulah are absolutely carefull with her. So tender...

    My home is the home of a penniless guy with "artistic pretentions". I don´t agree with "less is more", you know...

    Thank you for being so kind!

