
martes, 22 de marzo de 2016

Pensando en Bruselas

4 comentarios:

  1. Love your Blog! How can I connect my friends on Facebook with your Blog? I have many many friends in Spain fighting for animal rights and I would like them to know about Mis Galgas and the Ruby Slippers! I'm from Germany and live in Los Angeles CA and am active in Galgo rescue groups.
    Sorry I don't write Spanish but can read most of it :)

    1. Thank you very much for tell me that you love my blog! You are so kind! (Sorry, my english it's a mess). I think, that you can connect my blog with your friends, just with a link of this blog: http://misgalgasyoy.blogspot.com.es/ Sorry, I feel very stupid with this webs matters.

      Thanks again!

      Best regards.

  2. Respuestas
    1. Yes, indeed! Es trágico. Como si la vida ya no fuera bastante puta... además, los dementes criminales.

      Gracias, Josu.
