Con motivo del campeonato de Europa 2012 de fútbol o Eurocopa o cómo quiera que se denomine, las organizaciones de protección animal de Ucrania han denunciado el exterminio masivo de perros callejeros, mediante métodos como el envenenamiento.
Cebos con carne envenenada son colocados en las calles, provocando una prolongada agonía en ellos.
Los perros envenenados son encontrados agonizantes y convulsionándose de dolor. Miles de ellos en toda Ucrania, están siendo víctimas de esta bárbara e indiscriminada matanza.
Por favor, colabora y firma la petición para decirle al presidente de Ucrania que pare esta cruel acción.
Animal protection organizations in Ukraine are reporting the cruel and ineffective killing of street dogs through poisoning, all in an effort to quickly rid the streets of them for the upcoming Euro 2012 soccer championships. Meat laced with poison is being left on the streets for dogs to innocently consume and suffer an agonizing and prolonged death.
The poisoned animals have been found convulsing in pain, while people who care about them stand by helplessly and try to offer some comfort in their final, painful minutes. Thousands of dogs throughout the country have fallen victim to this barbaric and indiscriminate means of killing.
Urge the Ukrainian president to stop the killing of street dogs. Sign our petition today.
Please remember to be polite and professional in your letter.
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